Saturday, December 7, 2013

Latin I Class Notes -- December 5 (Week 14)


We had a good class time this week.  We started with some vocabulary practice. I lined the students up in the hallway, and they could take a step forward whenever they got a word right.  We're at the point in our language study that memorizing the Latin words and English definitions will greatly benefit their translating.

Back in the classroom, we reviewed verb endings for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th conjugations. Following that, we reviewed the endings for nouns for the different declensions and cases.  Latin is full of patterns for the endings on nouns and verbs, and those also must be memorized.  So far in this class, the focus has not been on memorizing vocabulary.  Instead, we've focused on translating sentences and putting together meanings and grammar bit by bit as we go along with each story.  Next semester, we'll not only include various grammar points, but will work on committing to memory those aspects that will help translation go more smoothly.

In lieu of a test, the students are to do all of the exercises for the Review Section, starting on page 93.  They may use their books for these.  Next week we'll correct them, and celebrate the end of the semester.  I'll be bringing treats, and the students may bring some if they like.

Assignments for Next Week
-- Review for Chapters 8 - 12 (pg. 93 +)

This week's blog:  Class Notes

See you on Thursday!
Mrs. Prichard